Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Gradual Untagging Of The Negative Perception Of Nigeria And Nigerians.

For so many decades Nigeria and Nigerians have been ridiculed and made a laughing stock abroad. It got so bad that every news from the foreign media was centred on the problems of monumental corruption, unemployment, deplorable power supply and increased insecurity all ravaging the country. What made matters worse was that the leaders of Nigeria at various times were seen as benefiting from the rot in the system , hence doing little or nothing to reverse the ugly trend.

Nigeria was always in the news for the very negative reason. Severally Leaders of Industrialized countries visited Africa numerous times but none bothered to set foot in Nigeria, even when Nigeria displaced South Africa to become the "Biggest Economy" in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Nigeria was no longer the darling of the West rather, it became the scorned country and seen as a place where every Western National must avoid at all costs. It informally became clear that any of the Western nationals that visited Nigeria did so at his/her own risk.

It got worse when the then President Goodluck Jonathan visited the US. He was treated nonchalantly and was not granted high profile reception. Nigeria turned from World acclaimed Giant of Africa to self-acclaimed Giant  of Africa or Sleeping Giant of Africa. With the population and economic importance of Nigeria, Nigerians expected better treatment from the outside world. Nigeria was an exception if one watched how other leaders of populous countries in the world like Brazil, Mexico, China and India were treated when they went on foreign trips.

While no Nigerian could contest the treatment of Nigeria by foreign countries with little or no regard and disdain given the present state of the country, what they clamoured was the day Nigeria will return back to where it belongs as the Centre Point of World Economic and Political activities. And suddenly when one watches with interest the recent activities of President Muhammadu Buhari it seems those days are nearer than it seemed.

One can logically conclude that the singular act of then President Goodluck Jonathan to concede defeat in the March 28, Presidential election and congratulate the winner Muhammadu Buhari may have been the most contributing factor in the now Steady Rise of Nigeria once more in International Reckoning.   The international community and Nigerians inclusive expected both storm and doom before and after the general elections as has been the practice since Independence from the United Kingdom in 1960, but they were proved wrong and out of touch with the trending "Democratic Change" sweeping the world by the action of then President Goodluck Jonathan. This is coming at a time the new President confirmed the nations treasury is empty, workers owed months of their salary, thus making it nearly impossible to exonerate the ex-President from corruption and fraudulent charges, but in conceding defeat, he might have righted certain wrongs in his failed administration.

President Buhari took over in his new found charismatic nature and became the bride of every foreign country. From the numerous mounting invitations from various countries wanting to host him, to the manner of his reception and hospitality accorded him, it is clear that maybe it is finally Sunrise in Nigeria. Also included is the G7 Germany meeting invitation from German Chancellor Angela Merkel in June, to the recent US trip of July. This shows that maybe the negative tag on Nigeria and it's leaders is gradually untagged. Also it should be noted that in this recent trips, President Buhari did not disappoint Nigerians as he has demonstrated he is well in tune with recent modern leadership trends. What then remains of him is to deliver on his Four priority campaign promises ( Security, Anti-Corruption War, Massive Employment and Steady Power Supply).

For now, Nigerians can't be more excited at the new changing perception about them and are convinced that both ex-President Goodluck Jonathan and President Muhammadu Buhari are contributing variables to this .

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