Wednesday 1 July 2015

Senator Ndume Ali: Lightening strikes twice

An African proverb claims "Lightening cannot strike twice" but this wasn't the case in Nigeria on June 26th and 30th of 2015. On both days the Judicial and Legislative arm of government all failed Nigerians. Senator Ali Ndume is a
Senator representing Borno South senatorial district at the National Assembly in Nigeria. That he was made the Senate Majority Leader on 26 June, 2015 by the same Senate President Senator Bukola Saraki who himself is facing multiple corruption charges in the court is no longer news rather the news is that on 30 June, 2015, he was given the all clear by the Federal High Court led by Justice Gabriel Kolawole to travel for the 2015 lesser Hajj. To take you back memory lane, Senator Ndume is charged of collaborating and providing phone numbers of some government officials to members of the dreaded Boko Haram which has claimed responsibility for the death of more than two thousand people and also destruction of properties. It is worthy of note that , insecurity is the greatest problem ravaging the country and so far ahead of corruption and unemployment. Little surprise, President Buhari made insecurity his top priority upon assumption of office.
Senator Ndume is alleged by the "Today Internet Newspaper" of being the brain behind the brutal assassination of Major Timothy Fambiya in June 2013 by Captain Jamare Ibrahim. Major Fambiya is a Christian who hails from Gwoza in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State which falls under the district of Senator Ndume. Captain Jamare was the second in command to Major Fambiya who was the leader of the military troops in Gwoza. Senator Ndume was said to be unable to come to terms with a Christian soldier routing a sect he sympathises with. Senator Ndume believed a Christian soldier sent to lead the Government forces against the sect is war against Islam and Muslims at large. The "Today Internet Newspaper" further revealed that Captain Jamare was paid #60 million by Senator Ndume for the dirty job of assassinating Major Fambiya while the major was observing something with binoculars in June 2013. It also revealed that the Senator had purchased 400 Golf cars for Boko Haram members disguising it as constituency empowerment. These Golf cars were then used extensively in the bombings of Maiduguri, Bauchi, Yobe, Gombe and Abuja. For clarity, Senator Ndume was formally of the ANPP and then PDP from ( December 2010) and finally APC. He was nominated for the Deputy Presidency of the Senate by the same senate which elected Senator Bukola Saraki who is also facing corruption charges in the court. Senator Ndume failed woefully as he was thumped by incumbent Deputy Senate President - Senator Ike Ekweremmandu who happens to be in a rival party (PDP) in a political twist that still shocks Nigerians. President Mohammadu Buhari prioritised insecurity as his main concern and has been seen globe trotting to Chad, Niger and Germany (G7 Meeting) all with the sole aim of "International Security Collaboration". One only wonders how he can achieve this objective while planning and strategising with such men like Senator Ndume who is the Senate Leader and yields big influence in this administration. Accepted in law "A suspect is still innocent until proven otherwise- Guilty" but Nigerians cannot sit back and watch such men like Senator Ndume pilot their affairs while they are still charged in court. Terrorism is a grievous charge which cannot be swept aside so easily, hence travelling to the lesser Hajj which is one of the five pillars of Islam shouldn't be a sole priority of the Senator least for now till his case is discharged and acquitted by the court. The Senator in a sane country wouldn't even have bothered to disturb the electorate for their votes in the last election until he is cleared of all charges by the court. How the likes of USA, Germany and UK will continue to mock the "Change" slogan of the present administration while parading a terrorism accused sponsor as one of it's presiding agents. We only have to watch and pray and remain optimistic that "Change" indeed will occur while our conscience tells us we are living in illusion thinking that way.

1 comment:

Bayo said...

Nice piece of writing. I'm praying that this our much professed change becomes a reality.