Friday, 11 September 2015

P-Square and Soundcity Should Stop Being Childish.

Psquare is one of the most popular and successful music groups in Africa. The twin brothers, Peter and Paul may have started from scratch(St.Mulumbas Secondary School, Jos , Nigeria) but as of present, they are on top of the Game when it comes to African music.
P-Square have gone on to sign record deals with international music companies like  Akon's Konvict Muzik and Universal Music in South Africa. They duo are not only successful in music, but also have gone into branding and have become top brands for various top companies in Nigeria like Glo telecommunications company. P-Square have also won several awards which includes MTV Africa Music Awards (4), KORA Awards (1) and Channel O Music Awards (5) to mention but a few.

Things took a new  twist when fans of the group woke up to see the message "WHAT HAS SOUNDCITY EVER DONE FOR PSQUQRE? Tell ME ONE THING SOUNDCITY HAS EVER DONE FOR PSQUARE", which was posted on twitter by the duo's elder brother and manager Jude Okoye. SoundCity meanwhile is a popular music channel on the popular South African owned Cable Television (DSTV). While this hasn't yet died down, SoundCity came out with their own bombshell, by giving a detailed reason why the music channel stopped airing any video that belonged to P-Sqaure. In the public statement , SoundCity claimed to have been one of the few that supported the group from their early days for 10 years. They also claimed to have been touring with the group even at their own expense , giving them ad-spots for their events and prime time slots for their videos. All these they claimed they did to promote and encourage the group. It did not end there, as SoundCity finally revealed, that they group had failed to honour their annual event programme last year December (2014), demanding astronomical fees that wasn't possible to be met and hence biting the finger that fed them . To this end, the channel stopped airing their videos and hence disassociated themselves from the group since January 1 2015.

While this may be true, it is childish to the least on both parties. Such acts smacks of immaturity and lack of professionalism from both parties. If really P-Square were convinced that SoundCity did not mean well for them, then why were they so disturbed as to air their grievances to the public ? A clear conscience fears no accusation they say, so what was the motive of Jude Okoye in sharing such "Private and Confidential" news on Social Network? Was his motive to score cheap sympathy and win over critical fans who keep criticising the duo for their primary music rhymes? Nigerian celebrities should learn to keep inside secrets as private as possible. There is a big difference between a public and private life, this has on several occasions been abused by these artists, only to cry fowl when the same media starts carrying negative news about them. The public shouldn't know what business deals or music deals went against the group as this will not help them in the long run. SoundCity has the prerogative to air any video whatsoever that they deem fit, and at such the group must live with that . If that is the case judging from Jude's perspective,  then what has SoundCity in turn gained from P-Square, that is if the case was reversed. Such acts will only create more problems for the group and must be avoided.

On the part of SoundCity, it is totally wrong to respond to such posts in whatever form or manner. P-Square wasn't set up for charity and is purely a commercial music group. In as much as one has to balance certain variables  in life, that doesn't give anyone the opportunity or avenue to shortchange or take advantage of them. The Group has a price for every event,  and if SoundCity fail to meet that price, then they only have themselves to blame and no one. The price  charged by the group existed before SoundCity invited them for the event and hence, SoundCity should stop being "Cry Babies",  making it look like the group is trying to take advantage of them. There is no law that says P-Square should make the same sacrifice that SoundCity made for them, as such good work is at the discretion of the group and not SoundCity . Also, SoundCity did not need to worry the public and give qualitative and quantitative details of how they impacted and supported the group for God knows how long. Business should remain business and hence private . Doing so ( making it public) only makes it seem they lack the decisiveness, competency  and conviction to make critical decisions like deciding against who and who not to air their videos.

Finally both parties should try and mend fences as they stand more to gain working together than fighting. We all make mistakes, but what makes us great is our ability to spot them and make amends. Nigerians only wish both P-Square and SoundCity the best in their future endeavours.

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