Whitney Houston was born on August 9 1963 in New Jersey in the United States. She was an American singer and was cited by the Guinness World Records as "The Most Awarded Female Act of all Times". Whitney has more than 179-200 million
records sold worldwide and is one of the highest selling artists of all time. Her debut album 'Whitney Houston' became the best-selling debut album by a woman in history.
Whitney Houston died in her hotel room in Beverly Hilton on the eve of the 2012 Grammy Awards. While the coroners report claim Whitney died of accidental bath tub drowning , several events prove otherwise. Former Police Officer, Paul Huebl who is now a private investigator claims the 48-year old might have been murdered by two thugs sent by a high powered East Coast drug dealer to collect the $1.5 million she owed them. Huebl claims CCTV camera of the Beverly Hilton Hotel captured the two men going into the singer's suite No.434 on that faithful day, after 2.45pm on February 11 2012. Whitney had been left to bath by her assistant, who left to run some errands for 45 minutes. Shortly after she was found unresponsive by paramedics who performed CPR on her for 20 minutes before declaring her dead . The Coroner's report claimed she had died of accidental drowning and of heart disease caused by a chronic cocaine abuse as several illicit drugs like marijuana, prescription sedatives and cocaine were all found in her system.
It was discovered after the death of Whitney, that she was in so much debt as even her hotel suite was paid by her friend Clive Davis and she often asked friends for $100 handouts.
Huebl claims the two boys asked for their money and when she couldn't provide it then 'Things got Physical'. He claims Whitney was thrown into the water by the boys though, it might have started as an attempt to scare her before it went fatal. This is because the Coroner's report states that Whitney's lower back (large skin area) was burnt off by the scalding bath water and this Huebl agrees is the reason the water was still 33c or 93.5f even six hours after she had died. His reasons are that even someone high on cocaine cannot "Willingly" get into a bath that hot, 'She obviously had help' he said . Also the Coroner established she had injuries in her forearms and hands which are consistent with struggle and could be classic defence wounds. The singer had injuries which made it look like she was involved in a heavy weight boxing bout (bruises on arms, shoulders, cut on upper lip, scrapes to nose and forehead and lacerations to the scalp).
Whitney was seen by CCTV camera in the early hours of the day of her death shouting "I'm tired of this shi**", in her hotel balcony. This Huebl believed, was a heavy cry from her heart on the pressure to repay the money she owed or risk death. Huebl revealed he has contacted the FBI since they are responsible for acting on cross-state crimes. He also believes most of Whitney's entourage know what happened and how it happened .
The Beverly Hills police concluded in April 2012 that Whitney had died of accidental drowning and strong drug use. Two days before her death , she staggered on stage at Tru (Tiny Hollywood Club) drunk and her face puffy and delivered a one minute dreadful duet of Yes, Jesus Loves Me with soul singer Kelly Price. She fought with another singer that night and was hurt on the leg. The next night and her last night, she partied all night at her hotel, drinking heavily and treating staff and friends to a party and the next afternoon she was dead.
It is rumoured that She did not quit drugs before her death but family members kept it secret for the sole reason of reaping from her, since she was their sole breadwinner. It is even alleged that she started using drugs long before marrying husband Bobby Brown who has been convicted of criminal charges and is also a regular drug addict. In the 1990's, she was reported to having paid a whopping $750,000 to a drug dealer alone and owed more than $1.5 million to drug dealers before her death. Associates of the couple say they both cruised the streets of New Jersey and Atlanta looking for drug sellers at a time.
Whatever may have been the cause of Whitney Houston's death it is clear it may remain unsolved for years to come . Whitney was the most decorated female artist of all time with 6 Grammy Awards, 2 Emmy Awards, 30 Billboard Music Awards and 22 ma American Music Awards.
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