Thursday, 24 March 2016

How Europe's Unholy Silence To Terrorism In Developed World Presently Threatens Them (Europe).

The year 2016 is barely 90 days old yet more than 200 people have lost their lives to terrorist attacks and bombings in more sophisticated peaceful European countries (France, Turkey and now Belgium). While the security authorities continue to
do their best to unveil the perpetrators of these abominable    acts , it might not be wrong to point out that these European attacks had always been coming and wasn't sudden as the World seems to believe.

The reason for this point is that , while Africa and the Middle East continued to grapple with the pains of  suicide attacks and bombing lately from late 2014, Europe continued to enjoy it's safety as a result of it's geographical location, sophisticated technology and security personnel and an all-most perfect organisational set-up. For years since the September 11 2001 bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York, the U.S has been on the forefront of anti -terrorism , but could the same be said of European countries ? To buttress my point further, recently President Barack Obama while trying to explain the reasons for his country's military action in Libya during the reign of Moumar Gadaffi had this to say:  " What has been a habit over the last seven decades in these circumstances is people (European Union) pushing us (U.S) to act (Maintain international security and counter terrorism ), but showing an unwillingness to put any skin in the game, I call them 'Free-Riders", he concluded. While the world and mostly Europe had been living in self-denial concerning terrorism believing it was far away from them and may not get to them , the U.S was spending 72 percent of it's funds on NATO's military budget .

Guaranteed NATO doesn't guarantee world security but has anyone ever asked why the masterminders of these reckless and callous attacks are people who share certain  origin with the Middle East? The war on terrorism should not be termed war on Islam or religious war as statistics have shown that Muslims are even the main victims of these attacks much more than other religions. A careful look at Pakistan, Syria and Iraq shows a disturbing but growing trend which should make World Leaders sit up and contribute funds to see that this dreadful scorge is barnished forever. Instead of trying to treat the symptoms , we should rather focus on the ailment. Europe must contribute more both human and physical resources to see that this sinful act is banished to history .

While Nigeria and Cameroon continues to seek international aid for the insurgency which has claimed more than 4000 lives in both countries , there appears to be a certain unholy silence from European nations to see that these countries see the end of these attacks. Excuses abound on reasons the developed world cannot assist the poor countries tackle such problems . Such excuses include terming the attacks in Splendid hotel (Quagadougou Luxury hotel) In Burkina Faso (29 lives lost) , April 2015 Garissa University attacks in Kenya (147 killed) and the abducction of 276 girls in Chibok Borno Nigeria all politically motivated and not requiring international assistance . While the element of politics can't be separated from the attacks , one also has to ask the question if these attacks in Europe are also politically motivated ? The answer is that Europe should do more to help developing countries counter their own problems so it doesn't spread like wild fire to their own countries.

Muslims are not left out as they have not also done enough to show the world that these terrorist do not represent what the holy book of Quran preaches . Muslims should stand up and speak in one voice and tone condemning these attacks and liasing with the International Community to rid the world of such evil .

Until all these are done, then surely will the World know Peace.

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